Turismo – https://actualizahoy.com Mon, 19 Aug 2024 20:14:38 +0000 es hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Unemployment Rates Reach Record Lows in Several Countries https://actualizahoy.com/7-ways-to-prevent-bone-loss/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 04:46:48 +0000 https://demos.ascendoor.com/ascendoor-magazine-pro/?p=2105 Eat a diet full of plenty of calcium-rich foods, such as yogurt, soybeans, tofu and salmon. Foods high in vitamin D include egg yolks, fatty fish, liver and fortified milk.

Surprising Benefits of Meditation on Brain Health https://actualizahoy.com/top-tips-for-aspiring-fashion-models/ Fri, 22 Apr 2022 03:45:38 +0000 https://demos.ascendoor.com/ascendoor-magazine-pro/?p=2084 Looking to venture into fashion modeling? These tips from experienced models offer do’s and don’ts on how to become a successful fashion model.

The Best Walking Tours In Rome https://actualizahoy.com/the-best-walking-tours-in-rome/ Thu, 21 Apr 2022 09:08:44 +0000 https://demos.ascendoor.com/ascendoor-magazine-pro/?p=1988 Rome is a city with layers. Literally. Stretching back thousands of years, the ancient Italian capital has been built and rebuilt, sieged and sacked, and rebuilt some more. Its history is linked to countless world-changing events over the past 2,500 years, intricately connecting it to the entirety of Western civilization. (They don’t call it the Eternal City for nothing.)

Wandering through Rome and you little stumbled upon everywhere you go as there’s some ancient column or area that built around. In fact, it takes so long to build anything in the city because every time they try to build a subway, building, or change something, they stumble across new ruins and have to send in the archeologists to investigate.


Heartwarming Dishes To Lighten Up Your Day https://actualizahoy.com/heartwarming-dishes-that-will-lighten-up-your-day/ Thu, 21 Apr 2022 08:48:18 +0000 https://demos.ascendoor.com/ascendoor-magazine-pro/?p=1978 When you’re fending off the feels (you know the ones), the only thing that’s really proven to help is lots and lots of comfort food. (Okay fine, a pile of blankets does wonders, too.) We’re talking rich, aromatic chicken tikka masala over rice, fall-apart-y cabbage as inviting as a cashmere sweater, soups so soothing it warms your soul as much as your belly—and oh, tons of carbs. This is not the time to pretend like you want to eat a bright, zingy salad. You don’t. The heart knows what it wants, so do yourself a favor, and get cooking.

Food is a crucial topic to master in conversation. You’ll not only have meaningful talks with native English speakers if you have a good food vocabulary, but you’ll also be able to learn about their culture via food.

Technique Offers Hope for Cystic Fibrosis Treatment https://actualizahoy.com/why-you-should-reconsider-that-morning-cup-of-coffee/ Thu, 21 Apr 2022 08:35:05 +0000 https://demos.ascendoor.com/ascendoor-magazine-pro/?p=1961

What’s the problem?

Early morning coffee is also known to interfere with your natural morning cortisol production and stress your adrenal glands if consumed in excess. Cortisol continues to diminish after peaking at 8:30 a.m. but increases again around noon. As a result, the hours of 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. may be the best for getting the most out of your caffeine/coffee usage. Although cortisol levels decline in the afternoon, it’s definitely not the greatest time to get another cup of coffee because it may disrupt your sleep later in the day. Hemp Oil might help you get the most out of your coffee. Both caffeine and stress can raise cortisol levels. Caffeine in excess can cause unfavorable health consequences linked with persistently increased cortisol levels (as in chronic stress). Small to moderate doses of caffeine, on the other hand, might improve your mood and give you a boost.

«Contributing makes me feel like I’m being useful to the planet.»

— Anna Wong, Volunteer

Virtual Reality Theme Park Offers Immersive Adventures https://actualizahoy.com/health-tips-and-benefits-of-healthy-lifestyle/ Thu, 21 Apr 2022 08:17:38 +0000 https://demos.ascendoor.com/ascendoor-magazine-pro/?p=1953 You’ll be able to detect if you’re not feeling well. It’s possible that you’re simply «off.» You could notice that you’re weary, that your digestive system isn’t working as effectively as it should, and that you’re prone to colds. You may find yourself unable to focus and feeling nervous or sad.

The good news is that leading a healthy lifestyle can improve your overall health. Even better, you don’t have to make drastic changes to your life right now. It’s really simple to make a few minor adjustments that can help you achieve more happiness. And after you’ve made one positive adjustment, your success might encourage you to make more.

A healthy lifestyle can not only make you feel better, but it can also lower your chance of developing certain diseases, increase your lifespan, save you money, and protect the environment.

What you consider to be a healthy lifestyle is entirely up to you. There’s nothing you have to do or avoid in order to be healthy. Determine what makes you happy and what provides you the most pleasure. Then, when making modifications, start small. This way, you’re more likely to find success, and minor victories will snowball into greater gains.

Finally, talk to your doctor if you need assistance making any lifestyle adjustments. If they are unable to assist you directly, they may refer you to other specialists such as licensed dietitians or therapists.


How Work From Home Spurred Employee To Move Around The World https://actualizahoy.com/how-work-from-home-spurred-employee-to-move-around-the-world/ Thu, 21 Apr 2022 07:03:39 +0000 https://demos.ascendoor.com/ascendoor-magazine-pro/?p=1913

Moving closer to family

 For decades, working parents — and mothers in particular — have been calling for more flexibility to juggle their personal and professional responsibilities. Finally, a global pandemic forced many employers to give it to them. Office workers were sent home en masse to stem the spread of the novel coronavirus, along the way testing out their companies’ capacity to maintain operations with a dispersed workforce — and challenging some long-held notions about how productivity is best achieved.

Working While Traveling

For others, the biggest challenge to work-from-anywhere has little to do with the work itself. Helen Xue, 30, a communications lead, was living in San Francisco when the pandemic hit and relocated to Portland to be near her partner’s family. With the permanent policy in place, they recently moved again to Seattle. Being a digital nomad may be the dream job for those who love to travel. However, finding (and managing!) a job that fits your personality, goals, and adventurous lifestyle is no easy feat. This is how I balance working and traveling around the world.Remote work trips clearly are not the same as a vacation, but they are a great way to hack around your normal holiday limitations and to enjoy a bit more freedom.
